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Herong's Tutorial Notes on JSP and JSTL
Dr. Herong Yang
Number of pages:
Short description:
This free JSP and JSTL tutorial book is a collection of notes and sample codes written
by the author while he was learning JSP and JSTL himself. It can be used as a tutorial guide for beginners
or a reference book for experienced developers. Topics include
attachment, content-disposition, content_type, cookie,
custom tag, debugging, expression language, file upload, GB2312, GBK, header lines,
HTTP/1.1, HTTP Response, internationalization, i18n,
IterationTag, JavaBeen, JDK, JSP, JSTL, JSTL-EL, J2SE, localization,
MIME, named package, pageContext, performance, Perl, Servlet,
session, Taglib, TagSupport, tag interface, TLD, Tomcat, unnamed package,
Unicode, useBean, UTF-8, XML
Long description:
This free JSP and JSTL tutorial book is a collection of notes and sample codes written
by the author while he was learning JSP and JSTL himself. It can be used as a tutorial guide for beginners
or a reference book for experienced developers. Topics include
attachment, content-disposition, content_type, cookie,
custom tag, debugging, expression language, file upload, GB2312, GBK, header lines,
HTTP/1.1, HTTP Response, internationalization, i18n,
IterationTag, JavaBeen, JDK, JSP, JSTL, JSTL-EL, J2SE, localization,
MIME, named package, pageContext, performance, Perl, Servlet,
session, Taglib, TagSupport, tag interface, TLD, Tomcat, unnamed package,
Unicode, useBean, UTF-8, XML
Key sections: Tomcat Installation - JavaServer Pages (JSP)
- Execution Context - JSP Elements - Sessions and Debugging - Using JavaBean Classes - Using Cookies
- Controlling HTTP Response Header Lines - Localization / Internationalization - Non ASCII Characters in JSP Pages
- JSP Performance - JSTL - Syntax and Expression Language - Core Library - Custom Tag - Tag Java Interface
- Tag Attribute Handling - Tags Working Together - File Upload.
attachment, content-disposition, content_type, cookie,
custom tag, debugging, expression language, file upload, GB2312, GBK, header lines,
HTTP/1.1, HTTP Response, internationalization, i18n,
IterationTag, JavaBeen, JDK, JSP, JSTL, JSTL-EL, J2SE, localization,
MIME, named package, pageContext, performance, Perl, Servlet,
session, Taglib, TagSupport, tag interface, TLD, Tomcat, unnamed package,
Unicode, useBean, UTF-8, XML
Viewing statistics:
This book has been viewed a total of:
- 63212 times as of October 2005.
- 60044 times as of September 2005.
- 50169 times as of March 2005.
- 34682 times as of November 2004.
Revision history:
- Version 3.09, 2005. Minor updates.
- Version 3.00, 2003. Added notes on JSTL tags and custom tags.
- Version 2.00, 2002. Reformatted in XHTML and PDF formats.
- Version 1.00, 2001. Started in text format.
- The notes and example codes are Copyright © 2001 - 2006 by Dr. Herong Yang.
All rights reserved.
- Material in this book may not be published, broadcasted, rewritten or redistributed in any form.
- The example codes is provided as-is, with no warranty of any kind.