Thursday, April 28, 2011

Flash Tutorials

Flash Tutorials

About This Book

Introduction of Adobe Flash

What Is Flash?

Using Flash to Provide Interactivity

Using Flash to Provide Multimedia

Flash Player Security Issues

Adobe Flash Player Plugin for Firefox

Missing Adobe Flash Player Plugin on Firefox 3

Installing Adobe Flash Player 10 for Firefox 3

Verifying Adobe Flash Player Installation for Firefox 3

Removing Adobe Flash Player from Firefox 3

Adobe Flash Player Installation with Adobe DLM

Adobe Flash Player ActiveX for IE

Missing Adobe Flash Player ActiveX on IE 8

Installing Adobe Flash Player 10 for IE 8

Verifying Adobe Flash Player Installation for IE 8

Removing Adobe Flash Player from IE 8

Adobe Flash Player Installation with Adobe DLM

Using "object" Elements for Flash Files

What Is "object" Element?

Displaying Images as "object" Elements - Example

Displaying Images as "object" Elements on Firefox 3

Displaying Images as "object" Elements on IE 8

Playing Flash as "object[@data]" - Example

Playing Flash as "object[@data]" on Firefox 3

Playing Flash as "object[@data]" on IE 8

Playing Flash as "object[@classid]"

Playing Flash as "object[@classid]" - Example

Playing Flash as "object[@classid]" on Firefox 3

Playing Flash as "object[@classid]" on IE 8

Playing Flash with Nested "object" Elements

Playing Flash with a Single "object" Element

Using "embed" Elements for Flash Files

What Is "embed" Element?

Displaying Images as "embed" Elements - Example

Displaying Images as "embed" Elements on Firefox 3

Displaying Images as "embed" Elements on IE 8

Playing Flash as "embed" Elements - Example

Playing Flash as "embed" elements on Firefox 3

Playing Flash as "" Elements on IE 8

Playing Flash with Nested "object.embed" Elements

"mp3player" - MP3 Music Player

Downloading and Testing "mp3player"

Integrating "" in Web Pages

"mp3player" Configuration Parameters

"mp3player" Controlled by JavaScript Code

"object" Element with Flash Parameters

"object" Element with Flash Parameters - Firefox 3

"object" Element with Flash Parameters - IE 8

"embed" Element with Flash Parameters

SWFObject - Hidding "object" behind JavaScript

What Is SWFObject?

Calling swfobject.embedSWF() Function

embedSWF() Function and Arguments

Calling embedSWF() with "flashvars"

What is SWFObject HTML Code Generator?

Generating SWFObject HTML Code

SWFTools - SWF File Manipulation Tools

What Is SWFTools?

Downloading and installing SWFTools

SWFDump - SWF File Dump Tool

"swfdump" - Dump SWF File Header

"swfdump -E" - Generate HTML Code

PDF2SWF - PDF to SWF File Conversion Tool

"pdf2swf" - Convert PDF to SWF

"master and slave" - Viewer and Page Frames

SWFCombine - SWF File Merging Tool

"swfcombine masterfile viewpoint=slavefile"

SWFC Script to Generate Flash SWF Files

What Is SWFC Script? - First SWFC Script Example - Managing Animation Frames - Adding Sound to Animation - Add Text to Animation

ActionScript Embedded in SWFC Script

Using ActionScript in SWFC Scripts

Space Explorer v.1 - Space Car Running

Space Explorer v.2 - Space Car Wondering

Space Explorer v.3 - Space Car Bouncing

Space Explorer v.4 - Space Car Stabilized

AS3Compile - ActionScript 3 Compiler

What Is AS3Compile? - First ActionScript 3 Example - Adding Graphics and Text - Showing System Properties

Adobe Flex SDK 4

Downloading and Installing Flex SDK 4.1

"mxmlc" - Adobe Flex Compiler

Spark Component Architecture

MXML Example Using Spark Components

Compiling ActionScript 3 Scripts with 'mxmlc'

SWF Disassembler in Flex SDK

Dumping Simple SWF Files

Dumping SWF Files Containing ActionScript 3 Statements

Dumping SWF Files Generated from ActionScript 3 Classes

Dumping SWF Files Generated from MXML Applications

Flash Player Projector

Downloading and Running Flash Player Projector

Converting SWF Files to Executable Files

SWF File Struture and Tags

What Is SWF?

SWF File Structure

SWF File Example - rectangle.swf

SWF File Example - Dump Output


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