Friday, September 22, 2006

Tutorial Notes on SQL

Tutorial Notes on SQL
This free book is an excellent tutorial book for beginners. It is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning SQL himself. Topics include CREATE, cursor, data type, DATE, DBD, DBI, DELETE, deadlock, export, FETCH, HAVING, import, INDEX, INSERT, isolation, GROUP BY, language, load data, lock, mSQL, MySQL, online, ORDER BY, Perl, query, RDBMS, SELECT, SQL, SQL-92, TIME, stored procedure, TIMESTAMP, transaction, UPDATE, WHERE, Windows, XML. Key sections: Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) - Installing MySQL - Introduction to MySQL - Accessing MySQL from Perl Programs - Data Types and Literals - Operations and Expressions - Functions - Table Column Types - Data Definition Statements - Data Manipulation Statements - Select Statements - Transaction Management - Locks And Deadlocks - MySQL - Stored Procedures - MySQL - Stored Procedure Language.
Herong Yang

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Free Book - PHP Tutorials

Listing information:
Web site URL:
Description: This free PHP tutorial book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning PHP himself. It can be used as a tutorial guide for beginners or a reference book for experienced developers. Topics include array, CGI, CLI, cookie, database, directory, download, file, GB2312, header lines, HTTP, IIS, image, language, localization, mail, MySQL, non ASCII, output buffer, PHP, redirect, request, session, SMTP, SOAP, SOAP Extension, SQL, Unicode, WSDL. Key sections: What Is PHP? - PHP Syntax - Data Types and Variables - Operations and Expressions - Flow Control Statements - Sending Emails - HTTP Request Variables - Sessions - Using MySQL with PHP - Directory Functions - File System Functions - Image Functions - - PHP Implementations of SOAP - Installing SOAP Library on Windows - What Is PHP SOAP Extension? - First Example with SOAP - Dumping Debugging Information - Whis Is WSDL? - Using SOAP Extension in non-WDSL Mode - First SOAP Server Application - SOAP 1.2 Server Application - What Are Cookies - Temporary and Permanent Cookies - HTTP Response Header Lines - Downloading Files - Redirecting Browser to a Different URL - What Is Localization / Internationalization? - Character Traveling Paths - Non ASCII Characters in HTML documents - Non ASCII Characters as String Literals - Receiving Non ASCII Characters from Input Forms - Managing Non ASCII Character Strings

Free Book - JSP Tutorials

Listing information:
Web site URL:
Title: Herong's Tutorial Notes on JSP and JSTL
Author: Dr. Herong Yang
Cost/Price: Free
Number of pages: 135
useBean, UTF-8, XML
Description: This free JSP and JSTL tutorial book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning JSP and JSTL himself. It can be used as a tutorial guide for beginners or a reference book for experienced developers. Topics include attachment, content-disposition, content_type, cookie, custom tag, debugging, expression language, file upload, GB2312, GBK, header lines, HTTP/1.1, HTTP Response, internationalization, i18n, IterationTag, JavaBeen, JDK, JSP, JSTL, JSTL-EL, J2SE, localization, MIME, named package, pageContext, performance, Perl, Servlet, session, Taglib, TagSupport, tag interface, TLD, Tomcat, unnamed package, Unicode, useBean, UTF-8, XML Key sections: Tomcat Installation - JavaServer Pages (JSP) - Execution Context - JSP Elements - Sessions and Debugging - Using JavaBean Classes - Using Cookies - Controlling HTTP Response Header Lines - Localization / Internationalization - Non ASCII Characters in JSP Pages - JSP Performance - JSTL - Syntax and Expression Language - Core Library - Custom Tag - Tag Java Interface - Tag Attribute Handling - Tags Working Together - File Upload.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Visual Basic Script Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Notes

Listing information:
Web site URL:
Title: Visual Basic (VB) Script Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Notes
Number of pages: 67
Cost/Price: Free
Long description: This free Visual Basic (VB) Script tutorial book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning VB Script himself. It can be used as a tutorial guide for beginners or a reference book for experienced developers. Topics include Visual Basic, VB Script, Data Type, Variable, Variant, Array, String, Operation, Expression, If Else, Loop, While, For Each, Procedure, Function, Null, and Conversion. Main sections are: - What Is Visual Basic? - Data Types and Literals - Numeric Operations - Comparison and Logic Operations - String Operations - Variables - Declaration and Assignment - Expressions - Statements and Grammar - Array Declaration - Fixed-Size Array Example - Dynamic-Size Array Example - Conditional Statements - Loop Statements - "For ... Next" Statements - "While" Statements - Defining and Invoking Function Procedures - Defining and Invoking Sub Procedures - Rules of Passing Arguments - Passing Array as Arguments - Variable Scope in Procedures - Built-in Functions - Conversion Functions - Variable Inspection and Numeric Conversion

Java Tool Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Notes

Listing information:
Web site URL:
Title: Java Tool Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Notes - A Free Tutorial Book
Cost/Price: Free
Number of pages: 50
Description: "Java Tool Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Notes" is a free tutorial book based on notes and sample codes collected by the author while he was learning Java tools himself. Topics includes: book, breakpoint, class, classpath, debugging, free, import, java, javac, jar, jdb, J2SE, JDK, JPDA, notes, source, sourcepath, thread, tutorials. Key sections: 'javac' - The Java Compiler - "-sourcepath" - Specifying Source Path - "-d" - Specifying Output Directory - "import" Statements - 'java' - The Java Launcher - "-classpath" - Specifying Class Path - "-jar" - Executable JAR Files - "-X" Options to Control Memory Size - "javaw" - Launching Java Applications without Console - 'jdb' - The Java Debugger - Attaching "jdb" to Running Applications - Debugging Commands - Multi-Thread Debugging Exercise - JAR File Format and 'jar' Tool - JAR Files Are ZIP Files - Adding "manifest" to JAR Files - Using JAR Files in Class Paths - Creating Executable JAR Files - JCA - Certificates, 'keytool' and 'keystore' - Certificates and Certificate Chains - Key and Certificate Management Tool - Generating Key Pairs and Self-Signed Certificates - Exporting and Import Certificates - Cloning Certificates with New Identities

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Herong's Tutorial Notes On XML Technologies

Listing information:
Web site URL:
Title: Herong's Tutorial Notes on XML Technologies
Author: Dr. Herong Yang
Category: XML/Book/Tutorial
Version/Edition: 3.03, 2005.
Number of pages: 79
Long description: This free book is an excellent tutorial book for beginners. It is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning XML and related technologies. Topics include DOM, DTD, J2SDK, Java, SAX, Syntax, Templates, XML, XPath, XSD, XSL, XSLT, XSL-FO. Key sections: Introduction to XML - XML Syntax - XML Browsers - Document Object Model (DOM) - Simple API for XML (SAX) - DTD Syntax - DTD Validation in Java - XSD Syntax - XSD Validation in Java - eXtensible Style Language (XSL) - Declaring and Applying Templates - Getting Values Out Of Source Elements - Transformer in Java - XML Path Language (XPath) - Formatting Output
Keywords: Book, DOM, DTD, Example, J2SDK, Java, SAX, Syntax, Templates, Tutorial, XML, XPath, XSD, XSL, XSLT, XSL-FO
Cost/Price: Free

Herong's Tutorial Notes On Java

Listing information:
Web site URL:
Title: Herong's Tutorial Notes on Java
Author: Dr. Herong Yang
Category: Java/Book/Tutorial
Version/Edition: 4.01, 2005.
Number of pages: 57
Long description: This free book is an excellent tutorial book for beginners. It is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning Java himself. Topics are related only to the basics of Java language, and classes provided in the java.lang.* package in the Java Development Kit (JDK): console, deadlock, J2SDK, Java, JDK, JVM, main, memory, synchronization, syntax, thread. Key sections: Installing J2SDK 1.4.1 on Windows 2000 - Execution of Java Programs - Execution Environment - Threads - Thread Groups - Synchronization - Deadlock Topics related to other packages in JDK are include in my other book: "Herong's Tutorial Notes on JDK".
Keywords: book, console, deadlock, example, J2SDK, Java, JDK, JVM, main, memory, online, synchronization, syntax, thread, tutorial
Cost/Price: Free

Cryptography Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Notes

Listing information:
Web site URL:
Title: Cryptography Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Notes
Number of pages: 89
Cost/Price: Free
Long description: This free cryptography tutorial book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning cryptography technologies himself. It can be used as a tutorial guide for beginners. Topics include blowfish, CA, certificate, certification path, cipher, CSR, decryption, DES, digest, encryption, Java, JCE, JDK, MD5, message, OpenSSL, PEM, private key, public key, RSA, secret key, self-signed certificate, SHA1, SSL, X509 Key sections: Basic Concepts - Cipher - DES Algorithm - DES Algorithm - Illustrated with Java Programs - DES Algorithm - Java Implementation - JDK/JCE - Cipher for Encryption and Decryption - Cipher - Blowfish Algorithm - 8366 Hex Digits of PI - Message Digest - MD5 Algorithm Overview - MD5 Implementation in Java, PHP, PerlMD - Message Digest - SHA1 Algorithm Overview - SHA1 Implementation in Java, PHP, Perl - What is OpenSSL? - Installing OpenSSL on Windows - Generating RSA Key Pairs - Viewing Components of RSA Keys - Encrypting RSA Keys - What is a certificate? - Generating Self-Signed Certificates - Viewing Components of Certificates - Why Certificates Need to Be Signed by CAs? - Generating a Certificate Signing Request for Your Own Public Key - Viewing Components of Certificate Signing Request - Signing a Certificate Signing Request - Certification Path Validation - Using Certificates in Web Browsers.
Keywords: blowfish, CA, certificate, certification path, cipher, CSR, decryption, DES, digest, encryption, Java, JCE, JDK, MD5, message, OpenSSL, PEM, private key, public key, RSA, secret key, self-signed certificate, SHA1, SSL, X509
Author: Dr. Herong Yang
Category: Security/Webmaster/Book/Tutorial
Version/Edition: Version 3.10, 2006